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Edito mode : “Lignes de force aux Capucins”, par Gildas Raffenel

Photographe Gildas Raffenel

Styliste Emilie Berger

Make Up Artist Fanny Fallourd

Retouches Julien Paris

Assistants Thierry Mahé, Vijaya Leloup, Tiphaine Lepetit

modèles Marguerite et Rémy @Mademoiselle agency


T-shirt éco responsable_Armed Angels Veste éco responsable_Knowledge Bretelles Made In France_Léon Pantalon_Scotch and Soda Chaussettes Made in France_Archiduchesse Chapeau Vintage Chaussures Made In France_Ector


Tailleur_Armed Angels Pull_People Tree Collants Made In France_Berthe aux grand pieds Chaussures Made In France_Mellow Yellow Sac Made In France_Filet Filt

Jean_Replay Chemise_Vintage Banane_Kiliwatch Vintage Bonnet_Knowledge Apparel Chaussettes_Perrin Chaussures_Veja

T-shirt_Muse and Marlowe Caraco_Les petites Jupes de Prune Pantalon_People Tree Chaussettes_Archiduchesse Chaussures_Mellow Yellow

Robe éco responsable-Muse and Marlow Plaid_Vintage Chaussettes Made in France_Perrin Chaussures Made in France_Mellow Yellow

Pull_Faguo Gilet_Vintage

Sweat_Breizh Club Chemise Vintage


Salopette_Kiliwatch Vintage Blouse_Muse and Marlowe Chaussettes_Arsène Chaussures_Mellow Yellow


Blouson Vintage Chemise_Bellerose Chaussette_Perrin Chaussures_Veja

Remerciements aux boutiques Mellow Yellow, ADN Vintage, La Manufacture, Joe and Jane, Made In frogs, Colliaux Opticiens, Scott Prémium à Rennes


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